Why choose Fischer Panda Defence Generators?
Fischer Panda military generators are EMC proved according to MIL-STD 461E and are difficult to detect by infrared devices due to an effective insulation.
The generators are housed within a super-silent sound cover which ensures the Panda APU operates as quiet as possible.

Combined Generator / ECU for Container Systems
Highly sophisticated “all-in-one” solutions from Fischer Panda is for container-based applications requiring electrical power, advanced ECU heating and air-conditioning capabilities.
The system is designed for command units maintaining a heightened “battle readiness” which are connected to a mains power grid where disruption or total loss is imminent or expected. The complete unit makes efficient use of co-generation coupling the generator cooling system with the ECU system.
Fischer Panda “FP” ECUs
Environmental Control Units
Provid heating and air-conditioning capabilities for applications requiring a controlled operating environment.