Fischer Panda has a full military specification for its generators and is experienced with designing and constructing generators to a wide range of MIL-STD requirements especially concerning EMI levels and IR signatures, exhaust emissions and operating sound levels. Custom-built generators can be constructed as practically all the main components are manufactured by Fischer Panda. Generators are subject to an intensive quality and testing regime to ensuring that specifications are met.
The use of water cooling for engine and alternator ensures optimal operating temperatures are maintained. The generators are compact and enclosed within a sound insulated capsule which reduces operating noise and simplifies installation. They are designed with fast and easy maintenance in mind, whatever the conditions or circumstances, which is essential for the military operator.
- Operating in sub-zero temperatures
- Vibration free operation
- Intensive quality and testing regime
- Liquid cooling for engine and alternator
- Encapsulated system – no contamination
- Compact, rugged design
- Optional configurations for requirements
- Operate with a wide range of fuel types
- -40° C to + 60 °C constant operation
- Meet all emission regulations
- Low thermal Signature
- Meet EMC/EMI milspecs or defstans
- 3000 metres standard military operating altitude (AMSL)
- Able to meet custom design requirements
- Very high reliability
- Easy to operate and maintain
- Rain and humidity testing
- Offer technical, installation and operator training
- Detailed handbooks
- Sound ILS base
- Comprehensive worldwide support
EMC/EMI milspecs or defstans:
501.5, Prcd. I, II, High Temperature
502.5, Prcd. I, II, Low Temperature
503.5, Prcd. I, D, Temperature Shock
505.5, Prcd. I, Solar Radiation (Sunshine)
506.5, Prcd. II, Rain
507.5, Prcd. II, Humidity (95% rel. hum.)
510.5, Prcd. I, II, Sand and Dust
514.6, Prcd. I, Vibration
RE102, Radiated Emissions, Cat. Navy Mobile & Army
CE102, Conducted Emissions, Basic Curve
CS101, CS114, CS115, CS116, Conducted Susceptibility
RS103, Radiated susceptibility